Tuesday, February 22, 2011

my computer tried to kill me.

ok maybe not exactly like that

Sunday, February 13, 2011

la la la lala~

Ha haaaaa!
It's 4:32 am and I'm sewing up some holes in my favorite jeans and it just got to my favorite part in Silent Hill :3
Y'know, the part where Rose and Cybil are in the vent room and Pyramid Head is all like "RAAAAAAGE LEMMEE TEAR APART THIS DOOR WITH MY HUGE MANLY BUTCHER-SWORD-THING."

God I love that part.
And the bug-thingies are everywhere.
I think Silent Hill is the reason I actually hate small children.

Those fire-baby-things are freaking weird, man.
Freaking weird.
In other news, I ♥ Pyramid Head.
And I think I'm going to become anorexic so I can cosplay as a Nurse.
And by Nurse I mean this Nurse:

lol So yeah.
That's my plan

I think I'm going to go to bed now. :)
G'night me, g'morning world.